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                        <h4>Is data important to you?</h4>
                    <div class="module text-editor mt-xs">
                        <p>Data is a tool, not a marketing strategy. Some companies treat data like a magic bullet, but it’s a tool like any other. We use data to do things and gain insights. Useful things, like craft unforgettable online experiences for your brand. We don’t wave data around to show off, because that doesn’t add value for you. Besides, we value your time (and ours) too much. </p>
                    <div class="module buttons">
                        <a href="/nto#" class="button button--primary">Lets Grow</a>
{{ template("free-form", {
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    "color": "pink"
  "innerContent": "templates/free-form/context/col-2-is-data-important.njk"
}) }}