<section class="content-block template-free-form bg-yellow">
    <div class="grid-container">
        <div class="grid-x align-middle align-justify">
            <div class="cell medium-6 small-order-2">
                <div class="cell__inner">
                    <header class="module header">
                        <h1>Don’t forget: it’s all free</h1>
                    <div class="module text-editor p-lg">
                        <p>We make our money by selling what we buy from you, and amplifying your brand, not from bleeding you dry with service and retainer fees. We also save you the nightmare of managing a never-ending list of agencies to support your ecommerce.</p>
                    <div class="module buttons">
                        <a href="/nto#" class="button button--primary">Let’s GROW</a>
            <div class="cell medium-5 small-order-1">
                <div class="cell__inner">
                    <picture class="module image align-center image--offset-shadow">
                        <img src="/nto/assets/images/cms/placeholder.jpg" alt="" class="image__main">
{{ template("free-form", {
  "bg": {
    "color": "yellow"
  "innerContent": "templates/free-form/context/col-2-dont-forget.njk"
}) }}