<section class="content-block template-free-form">
    <div class="grid-container">
        <div class="grid-x align-middle">
            <div class="cell medium-6 align-center">
                <div class="cell__inner">
                    <picture class="module image align-center">
                        <img src="/nto/assets/images/cms/not-found-img.svg" alt="" class="image__main">
            <div class="cell medium-5">
                <div class="cell__inner">
                    <header class="module header">
                        <p class=" p-tag">404: page not found</p>
                        <h2>Well this is awkward...</h2>
                    <div class="module text-editor mt-xs">
                        <p>We can’t find the page you requested. It could be an old link or a page that has been moved.</p>
                    <div class="module buttons">
                        <a href="/nto#" class="button button--primary">Go home</a>
{{ template("free-form", {
  "innerContent": "templates/free-form/context/col-2-not-found.njk"
}) }}