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Which hamster wheel do you live in?

Sell 1p

Selling to Amazon has drawbacks

1P Sellers wholesale their products to Amazon, who acts as the retailer. Amazon gains complete autonomy, resulting in minimal control of products and pricing on the marketplace.

Amazon sells it all for you Amazon sells it all for you
Amazon dictates prices Amazon dictates prices
Greater risk of unapproved content Greater risk of unapproved content
Hidden fees Hidden fees
Takes forever to get paid <br><small>(30, 60, or 90 days)</small> Takes forever to get paid
(30, 60, or 90 days)
Lower margins Lower margins

Sell 3p

Selling on Amazon takes an army

3P sellers act as retailers selling products directly to consumers via the Amazon marketplace. 3P Sellers are responsible for everything, thus requiring significant bandwidth and resources.

control your own prices control your own prices
ensures approved content ensures approved content
no hidden fees no hidden fees
Get paid twice per month Get paid twice per month
Comprehensive management tools Comprehensive management tools
Still sounds like a lot to manage... Still sounds like a lot to manage...