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<p class=" p-tag">Our Tech</p>
<h2>put our tech to work.</h2>
<div class="module text-editor mt-xs">
<p>Neato’s Impact software is your portal into everything we do to amplify your brand, fine-tuned for ease of use, to make checking your brand and sales growth as pleasurable as scanning through a booming stock portfolio.</p>
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<a href="/nto#" class="button button--down js-scroll-down">Scroll down</a>
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<img src="/nto/assets/images/cms/tech-img.png" alt="" class="image__main">
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"tag": "p",
"class": "p-tag",
"text": "Our Tech"
"tag": "h2",
"text": "put our tech to work."
"text": "<p>Neato’s Impact software is your portal into everything we do to amplify your brand, fine-tuned for ease of use, to make checking your brand and sales growth as pleasurable as scanning through a booming stock portfolio.</p>",
"buttons": [
"label": "Scroll down",
"type": "button--down js-scroll-down",
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"image": "/assets/images/cms/tech-img.png"
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