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                    <header class="module header align-center">
                        <p class=" p-tag">Careers</p>
                        <h2>Become a brand amplifier</h2>
                    <div class="module text-editor text-center mt-sm">
                        <p class="p-sm">We’re as particular in picking our trenchmates as we are in picking our partners. If you need to work hard, play harder, live big, and be bold, give us a shout today.</p>
                    <div class="module buttons mt-lg align-center">
                        <a href="/nto#" class="button button--outlined">Explore openings</a>
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      "tag": "p",
      "class": "p-tag",
      "text": "Careers"
      "tag": "h2",
      "text": "Become a brand amplifier"
  "text": "<p class=\"p-sm\">We’re as particular in picking our trenchmates as we are in picking our partners. If you need to work hard, play harder, live big, and be bold, give us a shout today.</p>",
  "buttons": [
      "label": "Explore openings",
      "type": "button--outlined",
      "url": "#"
}) }}