ESG Insights is our comprehensive product used by corporations to measure their own emissions along with other ESG metrics. You can use this module in all of your facilities across the globe, measuring and reporting on energy, water, waste, and material data. Forecasting and tracking enables you to see resource use and emissions over time as you set goals and account for efficiency and renewables projects in your projections.
Optera’s Supply Chain Manager enables you to collect, track and forecast allocated emissions across your global suppliers to inform your Scope 3 emissions reporting and management. Set custom supplier standards and track their data completeness and sustainability progress, identifying the overall trends and outliers to inform prioritization. And collaborate directly with your suppliers within the Optera platform.
ESG Insights is our comprehensive product used by corporations to measure their own emissions along with other ESG metrics. You can use this module in all of your facilities across the globe, measuring and reporting on energy, water, waste, and material data. Forecasting and tracking enables you to see resource use and emissions over time as you set goals and account for efficiency and renewables projects in your projections.
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