Translating Whole Life Learning
Into Skills

TerritoriumCLR is the evidence-based record verified by faculty, staff, and industry standards, designed to provide a comprehensive view of a student’s knowledge, competencies, and skills.

Better Learning and Career Outcomes

By harnessing AI, TerritoriumCLR is able to rapidly map and analyze every on-campus and off-campus learning experience into the granular competencies and skills that reflect true learning – not just grades and badges. This enables TerritoriumCLR to recommend courses, learning experiences, and job pathways tailored to a student’s interests and needs, empowering them with personalized competencies, skills and evidence information to position them for a more successful academic and professional career.

Accurately Maps Every Learning Experience
Integrates with Leading Education and Career Systems
Leverages Advanced Machine Learning Features

Features of the CLR

Mapping and Measuring Learning Outcomes and Employability Skills

Prior Learning Assessment Center

Institution configurable in-depth reporting targeting learner’s skill development

Achievements, Microcredentials and Badges

Personalized Learning Pathways and Marketplace

Digital Wallet and Employability Pathways to Real Jobs

Going beyond the transcript!

The TerritoriumCLR is a verified record of an individual’s skills and competencies designed to guide them along their education and employability LifeJourney. It’s a comprehensive evaluation of the competencies, skills, experiences, and certifications that learners have gained to prepare them for employability or the next stage of their education journey.